Reincarnated As A Mother

Wednesday, June 10, 2009

An Even Dozen (Day 12)

Okay, for those of you who have given birth (boys keep reading, you'll be okay), you'll understand when I say all modesty and pride go out the window when you are in the hospital with a baby in your stomach. I could get into some of the gory details of some of my lovlier experiences here... but I really think it would put my male friends and family over the edge. But I must tell you this morning has been one of those banner moments that you can only laugh about. The nurse said she had not seen Dr. Lovelace on the floor yet this morning, so I thought I'd sneak in a quick shower. I'm sure you can guess the script here-- I'm sitting on my little bench in the shower (yes, naked as a newborn) and of course here comes Dr. Lovelace. I've never had a conversation with my doctor through a shower curtain until now. Guess I can check that off my list, eh?
Other than that, all is well. Spartacus is still fiesty, kicking and fighting to survive. So I certainly can do my part in combating the boredom. The only other thing to report (somewhat sheepishly) is that I broke my television last night. So far three hospital maintenance men have not been able to fix it-- not to be mean, but they didn't look too promising when they walked in. Picture the father of the TV show character Everyone Loves Raymond and you'll have a good image of the three little guys who have tried to rectify my mistake.
I don't know what I did--- I was watching the Laker's game... had it on mute, wasn't looking and hit the menu button, hit it again and when I noticed that, I hit ok to get out of it-- it started "reprogramming" the tv and then I quickly shut it off. Now it won't go on. I need my cousin Dustin Petersen here... he can fix anything. On the bright side, I read over a hundred pages in a book called The Survivors Club. Fascinating. So if anyone comes to visit, I can pontificate about a woman who survived falling on a nitting needle that impaled her heart, a woman who fell 39 thousand feet out of an airplane and survived and several men who beat the odds to survive horrific plane crashes. I've decided my challenges are much more do-able.


Nick said...

Sounds like a great book. So happy to read each day that things are going okay. You and baby Spartacus are in my prayers. Any real names yet? How about Fin/Phin?

Lonni said...

Finn or Fynn is on my long list that I haven't gone over with Byron yet. He'll weed through my names probably pretty quickly and whittle it down.

Lonni said...

Finn or Fynn is on my long list that I haven't gone over with Byron yet. He'll weed through my names probably pretty quickly and whittle it down.

Blakeley said...

Oh, goodness! A knitting needle?! Is that book giving you nightmares? Is there anything in particular that I can bring you when I come visit? I don't want to show up empty-handed, but I want to bring something you'll enjoy--any type of food you've been craving? Drinks? Magazines or books? A spare tv? I'm sorry it's going to take me all week to get there, but I think I'll head over there on Friday if that works for you. We've had VT interviews and will have a temple trip tomorrow. I feel bad for not really doing anything fun with my kids yet, but they've been sweet about it. Anyway, I'd love to come see you! Take care.
