Reincarnated As A Mother

Friday, June 26, 2009

4 Full Weeks In Here (28 days today)!

To quote the always articulate Charlie Brown: "AAAAARRRRGGGGGGHHHHHH"! How's that for an opening line? Spartacus is struggling a bit today and last night. When they hooked me up for monitoring last night-- his heart rate was very, very flat. No flucuations. Typically, he's up and down a bit. And in the past, when he's had those very scary heart decelerations (where his heart rate falls measurably and stays there for a little while), he comes back up and has what they call a resting period or recovery where he is very flat. So the entire hour he was on last night, he seemed to be in this resting period. The nurse kept me on for another hour and filled my bladder up with juices (just what you want to be doing at 11 o'clock at night) in the hopes of getting him to move around. It worked, barely enough that after two hours of monitoring, I got to go to bed.
So this morning, he did the same thing. Only this time a glass of orange juice, a glass of cranberry and a glass of apple did not do the trick. So the nurse brought out the torture device: something that sends a loud buzzing sound and a vibration into the womb. After nearly three hours of monitoring and three buzzes-- he finally stirred enough to let me get off to hit the bathroom and a quick shower. They of course were talking to Dr. Lovelace several times and he stopped by. In short, my placenta "could" be starting to deteriorate (even though placentas typically have some "reserve" in them). The baby could be starting to hit that wall where staying in my womb is not helping with the growth. We just don't know yet. So for now, Dr. Lovelace says we'll just keep moving forward with the treatment as planned and watch him very, very closely.
I've been maybe more than a little emotional this morning. Here, I've had all these miracles and I am not ready for them to end. I so want to make it until week 32 when his lungs have a better chance of kicking in. So I'll try and get my emotions in check and find that postive attitude around here somewhere.
Oh, everything is fine on the homefront. And my parents, in their quest to move up here, had a lady fly in from Silicon Valley to look at their home today. Her sister lives a couple of houses up from my folks and wants to re-locate close by. I guess it went well. So keep your fingers crossed that all just falls into place. My mom is planning on being here Sunday evening. Yippeeee!


Blakeley said...

Hi, Lonni! I'm hoping (and have sure been praying) that the afternoon monitoring went well and looked more promising than this morning's. Thanks for the chit-chat today. You looked beautiful. I'm sorry for the emotional roller coaster you're on. You're sure being tough despite it all. Keep on keepin' on. Love you.
