Reincarnated As A Mother

Wednesday, June 17, 2009

Day 19 And Still Counting

Okay, with what I am about to tell you, you are going to stop feeling sorry for me and almost wish you were in my shoes. Yesterday, my dear friend Pam came in and gave me a foot/leg massage and a facial. She has worked for Nieman Marcus and Saks giving pricey facials for La Prarie-- so guess what I got yesterday-- a caviar facial. It was yummy. That sums it up. My skin is glowing and looks, if I do say so myself, a few years younger. Whooohee. It was so fun. Just don't tell Byron too many details. He'll think I have it so easy in here.
I also had an "ah-hah" moment. You know how I have been worried about those scary heart decelerations Spartacus has been having? Well, I've noticed he moves so much more when I am hooked up to monitors-- they put these tight monitoring belts around my belly. I figure, he is already cramped in my little stomach and he sure turns and moves and kicks and hits at the monitor when its on. So, here's my theory. He's probably at a much higher risk for the decel's when he is hooked up since he's moving so much more. For the monitoring last night and this morning, I had the nurses go looser on the belts and so far-- my theory is holding-- no decels last night or today. I'll keep my fingers crossed. And in case I haven't mentioned it, yesterday was a banner day--- I also got another certificate -- hanging on my wall-- to show I made it to 27 weeks.
Dr. Lovelace said this morning he wants to get an ultrasound done in the next few days to see how Spartacus is growing etc. He said it won't change our course of treatment-- but he's worried about the baby being transverse and it sounds like the pressure of not having cushion from the fluid or threat of contractions (which I still haven't had any). He said one thing that made me a bit alarmed though. He said even if Spartacus is under stress, he won't take him out until 28 weeks. Yikes, that's only 6 days away. I'm not ready for that. I'll keep you posted.
Oh, no names yet. Byron and Reese came up last night for a few hours. I swear Reese made up for her sisters' absence with her non-stop chatter and singing. She was in rare form. So, no, we couldn't get through a sentence without Reese interupting... let alone go through any names.
Holland and Greer spent their first night- last night, on a houseboat. My sister-in-law, Dana said the boats are pretty amazing and all the kids are in absolute heaven with their cousins and my cousins' kids. I guess a herd of them slept outside in their sleeping bags on the roof of the houseboat.
One last thing, for all of you who know my amazing friend, Bianca Escarcega (from my days at KPNX in Phoenix)-- she's in the hospital having radiation on her brain for cancer. Looks like this may be it. I can certainly testify that prayers work-- so start working on her behalf. Thanks everyone!


Elizabeth said...

You are keeping me strong... I need your messages to help me and its working! I love you so much. Please know I have you on my mind throughout the day and I feel your love to! Stay Stong its working. Elizabeth C

Diane said...

Hey, I had a La Prairie caviar facial at the spa in Malta a couple of years ago. I can attest that they are pricey and wonderful. Good going. You have a great friend there.

Also, I am jealous of the houseboat trip. Can I pretend to be a Leavitt and head out to Powell?

The Good Life on Less! said...

I'm glad you had another good day. Boy, that makes me really sad about Bianca though. So young to have to go through this ...

Blakeley said...

Isn't Pam amazing? So glad you were able to have the royal treatment.