Reincarnated As A Mother

Friday, July 3, 2009

Yikes!!! 35 Days today-- That's Five Weeks In Here!

Okay, I'll be honest, this is getting really old. But I'm determined to make it another two and a half weeks. Even though Byron and his brother Craig keep referring to my time here as a "stay-cation". Come now would you like to trade places with me? I do want to get to 32 weeks of pregnancy with Spartacus. All those prayers are definitely working. And even thought its a roller coaster in here, I'm feeling pretty calm. I had some cramping last night and then bleeding. But extra monitoring showed Spartacus looking just fine-- and no contractions on my part.

Dr. Christensen (Dr. Lovelace's partner) came in this morning. The nurse had told me to ask him if I could get a wheelchair pass for Saturday night to move to another side of the building to see fireworks over Boise. He gave me the big thumbs down. With my body being ruptured, placenta tearing and bleeding, and the baby at high risk for a cord accident etc. He doesn't want me anywhere but across from the O.R. Guess I'll settle for watching the show on TV. Somebody do a sparkler for me, okay?

Mary K, Jeannie and their mom, Mary brought Thai food up last night. Yum. It was so nice to have them hang out and keep my mind occupied.

On the girl world front-- I guess they had a pretty exciting night the other night. We are dog sitting the Moomey's dog: Blue. At 4am Zoe and Blue started going insane. Byron stumbled out of bed, found a flashlight and headed downstairs. Over the dogs barking-- he could hear a loud hissing and immediately thought it was a mountain lion (since we live in the foothills). By the time he got outside, the dogs had whatever it was up a big tree. Not wanting to stand directly under the tree, he stood to the side shining his flashlight. Finally, he spotted three sets of beady eyes staring at him. He said there were three massive raccoons hissing at him. He said they were the size of Reese! Guess they've been living high on all the neighbors garbage, dog and cat food.


The Good Life on Less! said...

One night in Seattle I came home to see three big raccoons staring me down in the driveway. It was my first experience with them and they were for sure meaner acting and bigger than I would have imagined. I stayed in my car til they left. Eeek!

I can't believe you can't even leave to see the fireworks, but I'm glad your doctors are being so cautious!

Love ya!


Diane said...

Happy 4th of July Lonni. Keep on, Keep on.

Mama of 2 Hapas said...

When I was a kid, our dogs treed 3 baby racoons....not nearly as scary. they were really adorable. So happy you're doing well! There will be fireworks next year, too, anyway! :)