Reincarnated As A Mother

Wednesday, July 8, 2009

40 Days and 40 Nights

Yup, I've tied Noah. I will forever look at what Noah and those on his ark endured in a new and very personal light. I have it much better though-- instead of a boat full of animal dung, I have a room full of flowers (plus no rain). Looking back over my nearly six week stay in here-- part of it feels like its gone by in a blip and the bigger part of me feels like I've been here for an eternity. It's too hard to put into words. I've been here so long, the head of the hospital's room service dropped in yesterday to get my "expert" opinion on the quality of food, service and variety. Wow, do I feel important. Ha! Since I've now tried everything on the menu (several times except for the meatloaf and a lasagne made of spinach and mushrooms) I had plenty of experience to draw upon.
Then I didn't even have to order off the menu for lunch yesterday. Elly is back from Holland and she and Stacy brought in this yummy lunch from a French Cafe in downtown Boise. We had a lovely time. My much loved Aunt RoEen also came by. She's up from Salt Lake for a family reunion tihs weekend. In case you are curious, I won't be going.
As for Spartacus, he had one of those humdingers (don't know if I've ever used that word before) of a deceleration-- two or three minutes before I was supposed to get off the heart monitors last night-- the little pill! So I was up pretty late, staying on the monitors, to make sure he was okay. He of course, looked fine and he looked good this morning. I also had some pretty good bleeding last night-- but Dr. Lovelace didn't seem too concerned. He just said keep going and he'll be in tomorrow. So I'm just going to be like Nemo... and keep swimmin'.
My mom has taken the girls to a family mother/daughter extravaganza. I'll give you a rundown in the next day or so.
My dear friend Bianca passed away last night after her seven year battle with cancer. She's much younger than me and one of those exceptional people that everyone loves. It seems like the good ones are always taken too early, doesn't it? She is an only child and my very full heart goes out to her wonderful parents. Bianca was a producer at channel 12 in Phoenix when I was there. We'd often sneak out to lunch together when we really were too busy and didn't have the time. She went undercover for me on several of my investigations and she was on the weekend cabin trip when Byron and I went from being just friends to having some sparks. I have so many memories with Bianca and anyone who knows her will testify she had one of the best laughs in the world. Not suprisingly, she was showered with love and well wishes from friends from all over the world in her final few weeks. I'm sure she left us knowing she is loved and adored.


Shellee said...

I'm sorry to hear about the loss of your friend and I'm sure that being in the hospital doesn't make it any easier.

By the way, you're much cuter than Noah would have been.

Blakeley said...

Lonni...(When I typed your name just now I accidentally typed "Looni"--do you feel like that might be appropriate considering how long you've been in that place?). I think you've held up very well and certainly are not "looni". I'm so sorry to hear about your friend. It does often seem to be true about the sweet souls going young. You wrote such wonderful things about her that I almost feel like I know her now.

Well, congrats, Noah! You've somehow managed to stick in there so long that you've started a new career as a food critic! Only you! Hope that ark of yours continues to be filled with flowers and good friends. You're such a good friend to others that I'm not surprised how many visitors you've had. Take care! Love you.