Reincarnated As A Mother

Wednesday, July 22, 2009

Another day, another dollar (I wish, I'd be rich) Day 54

I'm hunkering down and getting back into my "I can do this" mode. Now that I made my 32 week goal-- I've set my sites on another 2 to 3 weeks in here. I'm having about two contractions an hour. Dr. Lovelace said that's probably less than a woman having a normal pregnancy at this stage. He talked to me for quite a while this morning about different scenarios of what will happen when it's "my time". If I can have a normal delivery (still a pretty good option-- at least today), Spartacus, being so small will likely come quite fast. If it's a c-section, it will likely be an emergency one and I will be put completely under- ick. I'm fine with whatever it takes at this point. I'll just roll with it. Dr. Lovelace wants to try and do another ultrasound this week to see how he's growing. Once again, that will determine a lot.
My mom brought the girls up yesterday. I've now decided to refer to them as "the locusts". They hardly say hello before they have gone through my refrigerator and every snack in my room. I don't ever have to worry about food spoiling in here. You'd think they've been starved for the entire time I've been away. Holland even went through my hospital menu and decided what "we" needed to order for dinner: spaghetti and meatballs, a side salad with Ranch and a piece of chocolate cake. When I tried to order something else, she said no, that doesn't sound good. All I can say is it's a good thing I don't have much of an appetite in here (who would with all the laying around I do).
One of the nurse assistants came in to meet the girls-- how brave of her. They decided to perform for her and sang their hilarious song: The cannibal king with the big nose ring....
You gotta picture Reese with her favorite blue dress on (she's worn it every single time she's visited me in the hospital except for twice) and her sparkly yellow high heeled Minnie Mouse shoes with the red and white polka dot bows on them. Karen, the nurse assistant took them out into what I call the real world (the hallway beyond my door) and had them perform for the nurses. Evidently, they enjoyed the adulation so much, they sang several songs. So now my girls are famous on the 2nd floor of St. Luke's.
My mom and I stayed in the safety and quiet of my room!!
The visit was great until it came time for them to go. When it was Reese's turn to kiss me goodbye-- listen to this-- she said "Mommy, I miss you so much. Can you come over to my house?" Okay, just stab me in the heart. By the time I get out of here, I'll be a visitor in my own home.


Sherri said...

I wonder if your son will enjoy entertaining as much as your Girls? Imagine the moves & songs your girls will teach him. And if he's as lucky as Clint he'll have lots of dress up days!

You really need to re-post the song Greer sang on your blog a while ago. It was so cute!

Blakeley said...

Oh, goodness! I want to cry reading about Reese inviting you to "her house". Hopefully this hospital stay will end up somewhat like pregnancy is--once it's over we forget what a pain it was and think it seemed so much shorter than it felt when we were right in the middle of it. Won't it be great when you're back in your own home and all of this is just a crazy memory? Your nurses won't know what to do without you. I'm sure you've become such a good friend to them. You're probably the dream patient and make their jobs more enjoyable. Hang in there.