Reincarnated As A Mother

Thursday, December 6, 2012


I can't help but wonder what I'm doing wrong to deserve this.  I'm home in bed sick.  Stomach virus.  Fun stuff.
I felt off all day yesterday and had a less than zero appetite.  But I figured it was just my lack of sleep and exhaustion.  Unfortunately, about 8pm I got sick and really sick.  Luckily, Kean was asleep.
My more than amazing mom bee-lined up to the hospital - since I had to get out of his room.  They had a nurse come in and sit and watch him until my mom arrived.
Thankfully, in that I have the most amazing team of girlfriends, all is good.
My friend Angie Stephenson came up this morning and sent my mom home to get some sleep.  My mom will go back tonight.
Elly Moomey came over this morning and fed my girls breakfast and got them off to school.
Pam Brown will take the hospital day shift tomorrow.
Now for the update on Keanut.
Yesterday, they put him on a new medicine that will force his body to manufacture white blood cells (since his counts are so low).  The down side is it  causes bone and joint pain.  It must already be working because today's count... drum roll please... came in at 750.  Up from the 80 yesterday.
Dr. Chang told my mom that if he continues to progress, has no fevers, continues to eat and look better-- there is a small chance he can go home tomorrow.  Of course, she said, if momma is not sick.  My mom told Dr. Chang she will take him to her house if that is the case. 
So today, there is some light at the end of the ol' tunnel.
And... his mouth sores are starting to heal.  My mom said he ate a pretty good breakfast.
Glad she fed him and not me.  Food sounds quite disgusting to me at this point.
p.s.  thank you for all the continued prayers.  I feel so surrounded by love and support.