Reincarnated As A Mother

Saturday, December 29, 2012

Peace and Too Much Quiet

I think Kean thought it was a little too quiet around here today.
Since we thought we were going to be in the hospital, Byron and a friend took
the girls (and one of Holland's friends) up snowmobiling for the day.
 They went about an hour and a half north of our house to Lake Cascade.
Byron figured the girls could run all over the frozen lake on the snowmobiles and
he wouldn't have to worry about them going off a cliff or hitting trees.
 Greer wanted me to make sure and point out that since this was her
camera she got for Christmas, that she gave me permission to post
these pictures on the blog. She's a kick, I tell ya.
 I was surprised Reese opted to go instead of staying home with us.
Let's just say she is not the heartiest of souls when it comes to cold weather.
Please take special note of her missing half an eyebrow.
Remember how she cut her head open?
We've had a terrible time getting the glue to dissolve or flake off... so
Byron took a trusty pair of scissors and...
Oh, geez, please let it grow back!
If not, she'll be dressing up as Groucho Marx for Halloween next year.
Mark my words.
 Poor Kean.
All he wanted to do all day was go for a tractor ride.
And he got stuck inside with me while I washed bedding
and pulled all the couches apart and washed the cushion covers.
His run of vomiting has left them quite spotted over the past few
months and with everyone gone... it seemed like a good time
to try and salvage them.
I did give in and take him for a long ride around the surrounding
neighborhoods to look at Christmas lights.
Not as good as a tractor ride
but it did get us out of the house.