Reincarnated As A Mother

Saturday, August 25, 2012

Night Moves

Our summer camping plans have gone out the window.  But that didn't stop the girls from talking
their dad into having a camp-out in the camp trailer last night.  And no, we didn't have a fourth daughter
and fail to tell you about her-- the girl in the yellow is our neighbor Jaiyme (she's Greer's age).
 I'm certain they slept better outside than Kean and I slept inside.
He continues to have some pretty rough nights.
I don't get it.  He seems to feel quite good during the day
but at night he's, well, um a nightmare.
The only thing I can think of, is when he was on Steroids, he would literally wake up
in the night hun--greee.  So perhaps he just has a nasty habit of wanting to eat at night.  He's waking up every night
and is up for an hour to two. 
It is driving me slowly insane.
P.S.  the trike is mostly put together and boy oh boyardee does he like it!


Unknown said...

Praying that you get some real ... uninterrupted ... sleep soon. And, of course, continued prayers for Kean too.