Reincarnated As A Mother

Saturday, November 24, 2012

Roid Rage

Phew.  Today we seemed to turn a corner.
Kean was not so absolutely miserable as he's been the past few days.
His Steroid rage has kicked in full force.  He gets frustrated and angry...
a side we only see of our sweet boy when he is on these darn drugs.
But we had plenty of moments of playtime today.
Thank heavens.
The all day rain kept poor Keanut from escaping the great indoors.

 No motorcycle rides today.
So our little angel boy either lashed out for the past three years of being smothered by Reese
or we can blame it on the Steroids... but today he full on bit Reese on the cheek when she was trying to hug him.
She will have a bruise!
 And I swear he had a look of satisfaction on his face after he did it.
Oh dear.
Our good friend Rachel Alderman is over right now... home from college for the holiday.
Holland and Greer are spending the night at their cousins... so they missed Rach.
Their loss.
This is the same Rachel who saved me while I was in the hospital with Kean over the summer.
She was the one who went shopping for me to buy birthday gifts for Reese.
She was the one who helped clean my house before we brought Kean home.
She was the one who played with the girls and made them feel so loved while their mom
was so distracted.
You can see why we love this girl.