Reincarnated As A Mother

Thursday, November 8, 2012

Home For Lunch

We are home.
His counts weren't quite high enough to start Phase IV.
I guess I shouldn't be surprised.  Last week, they told us that 50%
of the kiddos are not ready to start.
Calene Borup was my "date" to the hospital today.
She kept Kean entertained watching home videos on my phone
while I tried to get things rescheduled for Monday.
Yep, we go at it again on Monday.
Two weeks ago, his counts were 349.
Today he was up to 650 but needs to be at 750 to start Chemo.
I guess they think by Monday he'll be there.
Oh, and for those now invested in the great duck project...
Kean got "Scuba Duck" today.
Rick Allen-- we are naming him after you!