For much of the day, I was at quite a loss as to what in the world I could blog about.
I considered writing about Byron biting it as he chased down one of our cows...
but alas, since I didn't have any video, that one was vetoed.
Then our neighbors, the Marzak's dropped in bearing a humongous present for Keanut.
We had to wait until much later when he woke up from his nap before opening the present.
As always, he was pretty enamoured with the wrapping paper.
But once his Poppa got the Harley Davidson Motorcycle Big Wheel put together
(and his ultra cool leather jacket on)...
Boy Wonder wanted on and did not want off!
He can actually touch -not the pedals- but the ground. So he thinks he's
pretty cool sitting atop his Hog!
I swear, he's even beginning to look the part.
Hello Tough Stuff!
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