Reincarnated As A Mother

Tuesday, November 6, 2012

And the Next President of the United States....

Should be
Kean "I bleed red, white and blue" Barker.
A few highlights from his platform:
  • Ravioli will be declared our national food.
  • Free bottles of milk to everyone who votes for me.
  • Every member of Congress will be mandated to sport these cool patriotic pajamas.
  • Will institute a new law requiring all dads take their boys for a nightly motorcycle ride.
  • Harry Reid and John Boehner must open and close every session of Congress by holding hands and singing Barney's  I Love You song.
  • All therapists to special needs kids will have a national holiday named after them.
  • Cancer will be outlawed and banned!!!!!!!!!!!!


Aunt Pam said...

Keanut... You got my vote buddy!

I'll be thinking of you tomorrow

XO aunt pam