Reincarnated As A Mother

Thursday, February 7, 2013

For Granted

For some reason today, I keep thinking about how I used to take the little moments
in life for granted. 
you know, like watching Reese practice jumping rope...
 or Kean steal (and then refuse to give up) Greer's jump rope.
 I've decided to consciously take those 'moments for granted'
and turn them into moments of gratitude.
I am so thankful for three healthy girls who can jump rope almost effortlessly... girls who
are great helpers and Kean's biggest fans.
I am thankful for a husband who tends to be strong when I'm not, who works harder
than anyone I know to support our family so I can stay home and take care of Kean.
I'm thankful for my parents who help us in so many ways I'd never be able to list.
I'm thankful to be surrounded by an army of friends and family - near and far-- whose actions and
written words buoy me up and help convince me that I can keep doing this.
I'm thankful for my faith.  It keeps me going and full of hope.
And I'm thankful in some ways for this world of Cancer we've been thrust into.
I've learned a lot-- about Cancer and about myself.
We've met some pretty amazing doctors, nurses and folks who work incredibly hard
to make this journey as pleasant as possible. 
Sometimes I feel like I have this huge,
extended family all pulling together to propel us to victory!
Thank you for being part of that family.
As a thank you, I thought maybe you'd enjoy this series of pictures Miss Greer shot tonight...
I think we'll call them
Boy and His Rope.