We took Fuzzball back to the hospital for another stab at making counts.
My mom came over and got the girls up and off to school
while we did blood draws and started the waiting game.
I think Mister Kean is much more patient than I am.
But are you ready... drum roll please:
He made counts!
Finally. He was in the 9 hundreds- well above the 750 he needed.
So our darling Chemo date for the day, Danielle Bingham, Kean and I headed up to the 4th floor to PICU.
Once there, the sweater vest twins -- Dr. Meeker and Keanut gave each other hugs.
Then our boy moved onto hug Dr. Derek (his Intensivist).
We adore both of these docs. They will be shaving their heads next month
to raise money for childrens' cancer research.
Kean is already drawn to them... I'm sure he'll love them even more
once they join him in the Baldies club.
Danielle and I cut out as soon as Kean was under. I get too antsy, okay, nervous
to stay for the procedures.
We headed downstairs to my old stomping grounds... really my old hold still in a bed grounds
to see my all-time favorite nurse: Liz Glasgow who took care of me all those months on bed rest
and as a bonus - helped deliver Boy Wonder!
We got back to the PICU just in time for the technician to finish the Ultrasound on Kean.
Remember, a few weeks ago, they took him off those nasty stomach shots to keep his body
from getting blood clots. The docs just wanted to make sure his clot has cleared up-- and it has
but I guess it left some scar tissue (not too unusual).
Our boy woke up in a surprisingly short amount of time. Usually we
are waiting around forever. But not today. He handled everything-- all the
Chemo placed into his Spine and Brain with no problems-- he wasn't very hungry though.
Once we got him home, he ate a decent amount of his traditional chicken enchiladas, rice and beans.
After a good nap and lots of cuddling... Pops treated him to a motorcycle ride.
It is finally nice enough weather again. My, was he happy.
We did have to go pick up a sick Reese early from school.
Ug... the fun never ends... but after a nap, she seems a bit perkier.
Thankfully, we were all together for our special Valentines dinner.
Happy Valentines to you. We'll mark today as a good one.
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