Reincarnated As A Mother

Wednesday, October 17, 2012

Slow And Not So Steady...

Keanut has learned to climb up on the couch.
Unfortunately, he fell off the couch today.
No bruises but he wasn't happy.
I've come to the conclusion, the Chemo must be screwing up his equilibrium.
Hence, the tumble down the stairs and now the falling off the couch-- two things we shouldn't see at this age.
Guess I'm going to have to step it up in the mom department.
Momma Gump (Maureen) came today for therapy.
He did okay.

 He just does not have the energy he's had for previous visits.
Clearly, the Chemo is taking its toll and he's slowing down considerably.
 My mom dropped by with some groceries and all he did was want to hold her
and have her hold him.
It's really kind of a sweet experience to snuggle with him much of the day.
Unfortunately, not much else is getting done.