Reincarnated As A Mother

Sunday, October 21, 2012

In the Company of Greatness

Lucky you.
Here you thought Greer's Dancing School would only be one post.
Well, today, GiGi and her Papa showed off what they've been practicing.
This move is one of three they've nearly perfected.
Just in case you didn't catch that... and you are itching to try it at home, it's called the Polliwogdog.
Byron stayed home with Keanut again today while I took the girls to church.
He said shortly after we left, Kean started signing he wanted to go night night.
So up to bed he went and Byron crashed on Reese's bed (in the same room) for a little nap.
Byron said he woke up an hour later and Kean still hadn't fallen asleep and was just babbling.
We've decided maybe he just likes the comfort of his crib.
I can relate to that!
We went over to my parents' house tonight for the traditional family get together.
My most amazing 94 - year old Grandmother was there.
She leaves tomorrow for a grandson's wedding in Florida.
She's quite the jet setter.
 Remember, she just got back from a three week trip to Russia with my mom and all my aunts.
If you met her, you'd certainly understand why I have my girls call her Grandma the Great
instead of just Great Grandma.