Reincarnated As A Mother

Saturday, October 6, 2012

Of Soup and Snot (not together, of course)

Mmmm, mmmmm, mmmmm.
It's turned cool here and that means soup weather.
 It also means cold weather and in spite of my Nazi-like efforts
to keep germs outside, Keanut has a runny nose and red rosy cheeks.
He doesn't act sick-- other than the 3 vomiting episodes today-- but that can be blamed on Chemo.
Keep your fingers crossed Boy Wonder continues to live up to his name.
 I know this may sound contradictory to the paragraph above... but we let the girls have a few
friends over today.  I gave up on trying to keep them outside and away from Keanut.
He's already got the runny nose... and they are all healthy.
So we let 'em in for dinner and kept them somewhat away from the boy.
We gotta live, eh?