Reincarnated As A Mother

Thursday, October 25, 2012

Chemo Cocktail

Thank heavens today is over.
And now that it is over... I can say it wasn't so bad.

 Kean met with the Nurse Practitioner, Marnie.
His counts are actually up and looking pretty good.
So they upped his dosage of Chemo.
Which means, his counts will start to plummet..
Oh well.
We do get two weeks off from the Chemo to build up for the dreaded Phase four.
To quote Marnie today... Kean is doing "exceptionally well".
We have grown quite attached to Penny, the nurse who oversees the kingdom known as the Chemo Suite.
It is no wonder we like her so much, come to find out she spent three weeks in the same place I spent 11 weeks:
bed rest in Ante-partum.  Her favorite nurse who took care of her,
 just so happened to be my favorite nurse:  Liz.
Small world.
 On the patio outside the Cancer center sits a whopping 170 pound pumpkin.
Kean was over the place and the day-- so wasn't too impressed.
 I guess one of the guys who works at St. Luke's grew it and donated it to the children's
Oncology area.  They had to bring it in via a crane.
That's my dearest friend Elly who came with us to keep me company and help entertain Kean.
 I'm sure I could get through these days by myself.  But I tell you, it means the world
to me to have such dear friends to go through this with me.
We came home to a few fun surprises (you'll have to wait until tomorrow)...
but take a look at these two.
Katie is one of Holland's good friends from school.  She and her
mom, Heather brought over the yummiest dinner (my family said it looked like Thanksgiving-- there was so much delicious food).
Alas, Kean wouldn't taste any of it.  (Nor would he eat the french fries or milk shake Elly bought
him on the way home from the hospital).
We of course, gobbled it up.  And as an update, I did finally get Kean to eat some dinner right before bed (and
after Tylenol). 
I'm just feeling very blessed today.
We are surrounded by the most loving, kind and supportive friends.
And then we go to the children's Cancer center and instead of getting discouraged or feeling sorry for what we are going through, we are reminded by seeing the other children how well Kean is doing.  And we can't help but feel very
loved and very blessed.