Clearly, the doctor gave me the worst case scenario yesterday. Because, as of tonight,
we haven't seen any vomiting. Keanut is hanging tough. He's a bit edgy but doing much
better than I had expected. I do know, they'll ramp up the doses of Chemo with each IV, so
we could have up-chucking in our future. But as of now, I think we've dodged it this time around.
Kean's sisters are quite the entertainers. They love to dress up and
put on shows. That's our neighbor in the rock star get up.
Reese told me this morning that she didn't like school.
She said it's much too hard, compared to Kindergarten
and the bigger issue is she doesn't like being away from Mommy and Kean all day!
Keep in mind, this is the same girl who tells us weekly that
she is never going to get married because she
wants to live with Mommy, Daddy and Kean
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