Reincarnated As A Mother

Tuesday, September 4, 2012

Break Out The Dancing Shoes

I don't think I'm in jeopardy of jinxing Kean anymore.
So I'll just say it.
I do believe we've turned the corner on this eating issue.
Today our boy was back to normal.
In fact, he even surpassed the minimum amount of fluids he is supposed to drink!
I'm telling you, all those prayers have been answered-- I think we've dodged the feeding tube!!!
I still have to check in with the Cancer Clinic daily but we don't have to go in until Friday-- for blood work.
My friend Cindy Jones brought us dinner tonight (totally unnecessary but so yummy).  Kean macked on the enchiladas
and even had a second helping.
But he refused to even taste the brownies.
Go figure that one out.
Once again, they think the meds he is on make all food taste metallic.
Momma Gump (his Occupational Therapist) came today.
I think everyone is quite surprised to see how happy and healthy he looks.
In fact, I was kind of embarrassed to take him to the E.R. on Sunday and last week because
he was his ol' charming, kiss blowing-self.
He doesn't look very sick once you get a few days away from his Chemo days.
See for yourself.


Mindy said...

LOVE the video! What a darling, sweet little boy you have there.