Reincarnated As A Mother

Thursday, September 20, 2012

A Blast From the Past

Kean and I had quite the morning.
My best friend from college, Camille Harris Taylor spent the morning with us.
She and her husband are on what they call their "save the marriage tour"-- it is their wedding
anniversary and each year they go somewhere fun.
This year-- the Oregon Coast with a drive through the Boise area and a visit to meet Keanut.
It was wonderful.

My dear friend Danielle Bingham came over and sat while Keanut napped so I could run some
much needed errands.
Danielle, in case you didn't know is the same friend who spent several months coming to my house
every Sunday so I could sneak in an hour of church clear back in the days when Kean was a baby, just
home from NICU and on house arrest.
Ah, those were the days.
I now look back at them as practice!
 I'm planning an upcoming and very illuminating post about Kean's crazy eating habits.
But for now, let's just say he usually will have nothing to do with cookies, ice cream, brownies or fruit.
Anything sweet is still on his hit list... or perhaps I should say his who can I hit as I throw it list.
I even tried an Oreo cookie yesterday.
He just spit it out.
But tonight, for some crazy reason, he decided he liked Oreos.
And oh, did he like them!
Baths are done.
It's almost bed time and I'd thought you'd like a glimpse into
what "free time" at our house looks and sounds like!
Oh and super good news:  my mom, all of her sisters and my 94 year old Grandmother
made it home safe and sound from their trip to Russia and Turkey.
I guess they had an incredible trip and my amazing grandmother was such a novelty (or charmer),
she came home laden with gifts!
So glad they are back.