Kean had his check up at MSTI today.
His counts are getting better. He went from 340 last week to 700 this week.
He is still on an oral Chemo at night so he could go up or down-- but if he is up to
775 by next Thursday he starts his new "Round 3" of Chemo.
Here's the interesting part; on the day he starts phase 3, the clock starts ticking.
It will be (if all goes as planned) exactly 3 years from that date that he will be finished with Chemo.
Three years still.
Wow. Can't even wrap my brain around that one.
So I won't even try.
I'm just focusing on getting through a day or week at a time.
This will make you smile-- a group of quilters made the most beautiful quilts and they were hanging up
all over the clinic. Kean got to go shopping today and pick the one he wants to keep.
Personally, I thought he would go for the quilt that had candy all over it-- but silly me,
how quickly I forget that he is not into sweets but salt. If there was one with chips-- that would've
won. Instead he went for this darling quilt with puppies and polka dots.
Good choice son. He was very clear which one he wanted.
Doctor Chang ordered a one hour IV to get some extra fluids in the boy.
He's been doing okay... just a bit borderline and we are determined to keep that ol' feeding tube at bay.
So we had an hour to kill while we waited for the IV to drip, drip.
Kean isn't one to sit still on my lap or in a chair for an hour.
So we put him in the stroller and one of the hospital volunteers helped me with the IV tree.
And guess who we ran into?
Yeah, I didn't know who they were either.
But these two Boise State football players (first names Kallen - not Kellen and Hilton)
and this cheerleader were spending a few hours visiting the kiddos with Cancer.
They even gave Kean a t-shirt that says he's now a member of the "Bronco Bunch".
He had a great time giving them high fives and knuckles- his specialty.
I should've had shirts made up and passed them out saying "Team Kean".
BSU's football team has nothing on our Team Kean!
Go team Kean!!
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