Reincarnated As A Mother

Monday, April 1, 2013

Easter Re-Do

I somehow convinced Kean's Cancer doctor that I am somewhat competent,
can keep an eye on the boy and therefore, did not need to head down to the hospital again!
The antibiotics they gave him last night must have worked their magic,
'cause Fuzzball was without a fever all day.
At church yesterday, his Sunday School teacher gave me a bag with
candy filled eggs to bring home for Kean.
We never had time to look in the eggs, until today.
 Let's just say he had a grand time stuffing jelly beans into his mouth (all at once).
Yes, he is feeling a lot better.
 Of course, yesterday was a different story.
Kean was off all day.
But that didn't stop us from hunting for hidden Easter baskets.
The girls each got a new Easter dress for church...
While Keanut got a new sailboat for the bathtub.
 All seemed okay until Kean woke up from his nap with a temperature of 104!!!
You'd be proud, we kept calm and thought maybe he was overheated from
snuggling in his bed.  So after a drink and waiting a few, we took
his temp again.  He was running consistently around 102.7.
You know what that means... another trip to the E.R.
Here's Holland kissing him goodbye.
The E.R. was packed (add a weekend with a holiday and it equals craziness).
We had problems getting blood from Kean's port-- add that to getting a urine sample
and you had one traumatized and exhausted little boy.
But thankfully, his counts were high enough so we didn't have to dig
into the packed overnight bags waiting in the car.
The worst, was missing the big Easter egg hunt at my parent's house.
My super husband came through with lots of pictures for us.
 Lots of pictures and lots of candy.
The girls sweetly gathered some for Keanut.
Truly, it wasn't quite what I had envisioned for Easter.
But, we really have been quite blessed.  I kept thinking as I drove home from the E.R., about
how we were told we would be in the hospital for Thanksgiving and Christmas
and yet we were home for those holidays.
The way I look at it,... we got a half an Easter in together as a family.
Better than nothing.
I even got to go to church with the girls and reflect on the true meaning of Easter--
how grateful I am for my Savior, for his life, his example and his resurrection.
It sure puts life and our challenges in perspective.
And makes them much more doable.