Reincarnated As A Mother

Monday, April 8, 2013

Duct Duct Goose

Am I the only one with kids obsessed with duct tape?
Greer made a wallet last night and then came up with this Abe Lincoln look.
She's crazy fun, that one.
 As for Keanut, he seemed awfully tired today.
About half an hour after he got up this morning, he was signing that he wanted to go to sleep.
However, he did find enough energy to clean out my cupboards.
 He goes in tomorrow for Chemo.
If his counts are high enough he's scheduled for another one of those dang Spinal Taps...
where they put Chemo into his brain and spine.
He seemed so low energy today, it makes me think he won't make counts.
But clearly.. I know nothing.  In the past, when he's been full of energy, I have been
shocked when he's failed to make counts.
We'll see tomorrow if we have a very long day or a very short day.