Reincarnated As A Mother

Friday, March 26, 2010

The Gig Is Up!

Life just got a little less magical. After intense questioning, we caved and told Holland tonight the truth about Santa Claus... which then in turn led to the truth about Leprechauns, Fairies, the Tooth Fairy, the Easter Bunny, reindeer and magic in general.
How sad.
She sobbed.
I held her tight.
And I clearly remembered how I felt when I found out.
Getting old just flat out sucks sometimes.


The Good Life on Less! said...

I know, Christmas just isn't the same after you find out all that stuff!

Tracey said...

What exactly do you mean Santa Clause isn't real??

Mama of 2 Hapas said...

What truth exactly are you talking about? ;) Remember, Santa only visits those who truly believe!

karen said...

Dreading this!!! My almost 11-year old Jackson still believes in Santa, I swear. We did have to come clean about the tooth fairy after he abjectly gave up hope after his tooth being under his pillow for over a week with still no monetary compensation. sheesh. loser parents.

That loss of innocence and utter faith and belief just breaks my heart--I'm so sad for Holland. How did it come up? Intense questioning? again, dreading it.