Reincarnated As A Mother

Saturday, March 23, 2013

Child Slavery

So here's the thing. 
In case we've somehow allowed you to get the wrong idea, my girls are not angels.
Last week the two eldest started arguing at my parents house.
When Grammy told them to stop fighting and hand over the i-pod, they
ignored her and made a run for it.
Welllll, we couldn't let that pass now could we?
So today the two hoodlums spent their afternoon scrubbing down
Grammy's baseboards to make up for their being disrespectful.
We figure by the time they make it through their teenage years--
my mom and I should have the cleanest houses in the state!
 It was still obnoxiously cold here.
We're all tired of it and ready for spring-
but the chilly air didn't stop Byron from caving
into the boy's demands.
 He doesn't look very happy but trust me he is.
I'll tell you what makes me smile...
how Byron always calls our boy Evel every time he takes him out for his rides.