Reincarnated As A Mother

Thursday, March 7, 2013

Chemo Cocktail

What a close call.
   Kean's counts were pretty low today.
Dr. Chang had to do some number crunching-- her verdict?
He could go ahead and get Chemo
but we stayed at the same amount he got ten days ago
instead of bumping up to a higher amount.
Here's a few highlights from our day.
Pam Brown was today's date.
 She swiped this uber cool tractor from the playroom to take with us
for the day.
Here it is with Keanut during vitals.
 Kean's posse used it to keep him occupied while Kelly took his blood samples.
 And he had a grand time motoring around in the examination room...
 while we waited for Dr. Chang.
 However, during his anti nausea meds and two doses of Chemo...
his ol' standby, the movie, Cars won out - big time.
Thanks to Pam and Stacey Hofman for tag teaming it
and watching Kean so I could go to a disability meeting all afternoon.
And to Liz Iverson who took Reese for a play date after school and then brought back
a bonus-- dinner tonight. 
After an exhausting day, that was so kind.