Reincarnated As A Mother

Tuesday, May 17, 2011

These boots, oops, I mean legs are made for walkin'!

If you have no idea what my title is referring to... clearly you are either really young, not a connoisseur of hip music or have never heard of Nancy Sinatra!
Our little Kean has finally figured out that those legs and toes have a purpose.
Up until now, he's just used them to stick in his mouth or play with.
                                  He's putting weight on those little stumps... and you can tell he is so proud.
(We are too)!
I had to throw this picture in. 
The girls stayed up late Saturday night watching a movie.
Here's where we found H and G-- out cold.
I vaguely remember being able to actually sleep through the night
all skeewaumpous like this.


Marti said...

Hurray KEAN!

(You are so in trouble now. You remember that old saw: "Parents spend the first year of of a child's life, trying to get the kid to talk and the rest of their life trying to shut them up."

The Good Life on Less! said...

Boy, Kean's cute little baby chub legs make me want to eat him up!