Reincarnated As A Mother

Sunday, May 22, 2011

Disneyland here we come... kinda.

My mom's subdivision held its annual neighborhood garage sale yesterday.
When the girls saw the flyer... they had a light bulb moment: 
a-ha, a chance to raise money for the Disneyland Fund.
So add it up... we spent an entire afternoon and evening going through their
toys, books and belonging.
We made 6 dozen cookies and lemonade
and we spent another evening setting it up at my mom's house.
Was it worth it?
You be the judge.
The girls made a staggering $55.32
That includes the 18 smackeroos my mom gave them for stuff she sold.
So for all the time-- not a huge haul.
But what do you expect when the kids were selling Barbies, Polly Pockets, books and stuffed animals
for anywhere from 10 cents to a buck.
The cookies and cold drink were the real gold-mine.
I mean, who could say no to Reesey asking if you'd like to buy a "coooookey"?
Here's my take:  for that amount of money, not worth it to me.
But what was priceless was what they learned:  organizing, pricing, selling, customer service and
commitment.  It was a long day.  We all have sunburns to prove it.
But, my did we have fun.


The Good Life on Less! said...

Too cute. I vote worth it for the lessons they learned! :)

Melissa Snyder said...

What a great lesson to teach your kids! I otta do that!
I can't believe Kean is close to crawling, horray for that little guy. Well I guess he is not so little anymore. He is growing like a weed.
My kids have been itching to go to Disneyland too, but like you, it will take time and money. I don't think it is worth it but I guess I am willing to make the sacrifice for these little ones.
We love and miss you all!!!!