Reincarnated As A Mother

Tuesday, March 15, 2011

Gross Picture Alert

Our little Miss Greer went under this morning to get her tonsils and adenoids taken out.
She was super brave and the nurses and doctors were beyond cute with her.
In case you are wondering, she hasn't had chronic ear infections or sore throats...
However, she snores like a 70 year old man.
Holland has even asked for ear plugs - it's that bad.
Holland asked us to have the doctor take the camera into the operating room.
We didn't.
But we did take a picture of her twice the normal sized tonsils.
I know... gross!
The pic was mostly for Holland.
She was disappointed we didn't get to bring the little goodies home with us.


The Good Life on Less! said...

Wow ... those are huge! ... and kind of gross! ;) You rock Holland! I forgot to tell you I spoke with Greer today on the phone. She is a brave girl. And so cute!

Marti said...

You could have put them in the freezer and sliced them again on the same date next year!

Wait... wait... that's something else.

Good looking parts Greer!

Sheila Hudson said...

Well, those tonsils are gross but I totally understand some people want to SEE things. My daughter (who was an adult at the time) wanted and kept the picture of my uterus after it was removed! Strange and gross!