Reincarnated As A Mother

Friday, May 17, 2013

The Fix

I'm happy to report all is well with the Greer girl.
GiGi woke up this morning her normal bouncy self
and was excited to go to school today for the district wide 4th grade Rendezvous
(a day long field trip that they prepare for all year long). 
Kean too, had another great day.
We walked the girls down to the bus this morning and while there
we ran into a neighbor who lives one hill over.
Can I just tell you how nice it was to answer his questions
with all positive answers.
Kean is doing so well, he's happy, eating well, sleeping well,
and seems to be tolerating his meds for the most part (he still has a good vomit about once a day).
But really, for the first time in a long time, I'm not stressing over anything with Kean's health.
And what a nice blessing that is!
And in case I don't mention it enough, Kean's sisters are spectacular.
Holland and Greer take him for long, lazy four wheeler rides around the yard
day in and day out.
The kid just pines away for his "DaDa" and sisters to come home each day
so he can get his fix.
Thankfully, he's so cute and sweet.
He's pretty hard to turn down.