Reincarnated As A Mother

Wednesday, November 11, 2009

Happy Birthday To Kean.....

Guess who is three months old? Obviously not me-- Mister Miracle is hitting that milestone. I had to share this picture with you. His favorite thing to do is lay on the couch and lick the corduroy pillow. It is the funniest thing. Something about it just fascinates him. I'll scoot him back... and he'll somehow make his way over and up against the pillow. Kissy, kissy. And here's a series of Little Miss Spunkmiester, Reese. If only we could capture half of her personality in a picture. She's quite the busy body.

Other than the constant noise of kids, it's been pretty quiet around here. We had a rough day on Monday with the cows being butchered. One of the cows, Brownie was quite the bully. So we're not too sad to see the monster gone. However, it was a bit of an emotional day. Along with us, my brother and my parents will be swimming in meat for quite a long time. One cow weighed 998 pounds hanging-- the other was 1098. We'll be having lots of BBQ's when Kean is off quarantine and the weather turns nice again. Thankfully, Ron, Elly and Mark came over Monday night-- and Ron who is a retired Fire Chief from the Bay area... took the kids from room to room and had them figure out and practice an escape plan if there was a fire. The girls were really into it-- crawling around, feeling doors and walls and then trying to climb out windows. It was great fun! Reese is a real expert at "Top, drop and Roll".


Nick said...

Yay for Kean! That's too funny about the pillow. I'm sure my husband wouldn't mind buying some cow off of you. Let me know if you have more than you can handle.

Chuck said...

Maybe Kean likes the way the pillow feels. That is funny.

The Good Life on Less! said...

I didn't know cows weighed that much! I guess I never really thought about it!

Sherri said...

Such cute pictures! You guys are becoming farmers with cows and all. YEE HAW!