Reincarnated As A Mother

Friday, December 10, 2010

Home Sweet Home

I am so happy to be home with my family.  Kean and I, accompanied my parents and my older brother Doug (we picked up my little brother Marc at the airport) and went to Salt Lake for a few days to attend my cousin's funeral. 
What a sad situation.  The funeral speakers had us laughing one minute and crying the next.  My cousin Lance went for a hike on Thanksgiving day.  He never came home.  After 10 days of searching, his body was found about 15 minutes away, half covered with snow.  Apparently, he had slipped and fallen down a canyon.  He had broken his neck and they figure-- and we hope-- he had died instantly.
His wife, Casey spoke at the funeral.  What a woman of grace and poise.  I don't know that I could do that.  She wanted each of us to get to know Lance better with stories never before told.  Much of her remarks were directed towards her three children.  Honestly, I don't think the kids realized what was going on.  They just seemed to be in heaven seeing all of their cousins.  I'm sure this next week when life has to begin the "new normal" phase, will be painful.
There was sure a huge outpouring of support at the viewing and the funeral.  I saw cousins I haven't seen in 10 years.  Many of them got together last year for a week's vacation on Lake Powell.  Greer and Holland were there-- but I was in the hospital.  So it was good to see everyone again.  I just love my relatives.  Events like this, sure make you realize how much you care and cherish each other.