Ah the sweet taste of success. And in this case, it tastes a lot like Rice Krispies! Under the coaching of his therapist, Pat, I've been working on his pincer skills. Unlike most babies, Kean had no concept of seeing food on his tray and then trying to pick it up with his fingers. So I've been wetting his hand in his mouth, then putting his hand in the cereal, which sticks nicely-- and then putting it back in his mouth.
Thursday, September 30, 2010
Houston, We Have Lift-Off!
Posted by Lonni at 7:03 PM 2 comments
Labels: Kean milestones
Tuesday, September 28, 2010
An Answer?
The doctor's office called today with Kean's test results. It seems his thyroid is not working properly and that could very well be the reason why he is not gaining weight. Hmmmm.
So now he goes on a medication (I'll pick it up tomorrow). The doc says he'll likely be on medication for the rest of his life. Pretty crazy to start something at age one and go from there. And we'll run some tests in four weeks to see if the medication is at the right level.
I have to say I'm relieved that the poor boy doesn't have to go through more prodding and poking-- if this is the reason. Stay tuned...
Posted by Lonni at 3:42 PM 0 comments
Labels: Kean
Monday, September 27, 2010
Keanut the "Peenut"
I've started calling the baby "Keanut the Peenut"... because, I swear, every time I pull him out of the bathtub lately, he pees on me. Lovely, I know. What a glamorous life I lead.
Our little guy has had a rough week. I took him to the doctor last Tuesday for his check-up. We had a bit of a shock. When we were in at 9 months, he weighed 15 pounds exactly. Now at 13 months, he only weighs 15 lbs 15 oz. Not good. But get this, he looks healthy and he really likes to eat. So today we went down to the hospital and had some blood work done and now we are scheduled to meet with a Dietitian. Meanwhile, the little guy is trying to bulk up with Carnation Instant Breakfast added to his bottles. Have you ever heard of such a thing? Then to make matters more complicated, poor Kean is, well, let me put this delicately, he's plugged up. He cries and cries when he has to go. So he is also downing prunes, peaches, oatmeal etc. Fun times. He also got some of his shots (we are on an adjusted schedule), so he's had a fever to make him even more miserable. Let me translate that for you-- it means momma's not getting a lot of sleep or much done around the house. His therapists have been sweet and gentle with him. I've never shown you a picture of Melissa (above). She is a developmental specialist-- who focuses on his motor skills, his verbal skills, his communication etc. Oh, for every mother to have therapists coming to their home to give advice, tips and great ideas.
Posted by Lonni at 4:25 PM 3 comments
Labels: Kean milestones, Kean therapy
Thursday, September 23, 2010
Gifts and Gaps
We had our dear neighbors (Nancy and Jacqui) over for dinner the other night. They lived just above us and lost everything in the fire that hit our neighborhood. About a week ago, Jacqui picked up Holland and let her help her sift through the rubble that was once their home. Jacqui has been searching for her grandmother's diamond ring. While they did not find the diamond, Holland found all kinds of other treasures (a burned clock, some pieces of melted jewelry and some mis-shapen silver goblets). Jacqui did not want the "treasures", so Holland, Greer and Reese spent a good afternoon scrubbing and cleaning up the goods. Here's where the touching part comes in, Holland and Greer took the two nicest pieces of salvaged jewelry (picture two stone - like pendants) and made a beaded necklace out of each of them. One for Nancy and one for Jacqui. They wrapped then up and were so excited to present their "memory" necklaces to the women. It was really quite sweet. As if that wasn't exciting enough, Greer's long-time loose front tooth decided to steal the spotlight and make a very bloody entrance at dinnertime.
Posted by Lonni at 11:37 AM 1 comments
Tuesday, September 21, 2010
What is going on in that little mind of hers??????
If you've read this blog with any small amount of consistency, you'll know that our youngest daughter is made up of 100 percent personality. It never stops. In fact, I'm convinced I could write a book on her musings alone.
Posted by Lonni at 9:43 AM 1 comments
Labels: Reesisms
Monday, September 20, 2010
A Guilty Conscience = A New Mailbox
We woke up the other morning to find this. Ouch. It seems a young man was coming down the hill at 4a.m. and "lost control".
Posted by Lonni at 9:31 AM 2 comments
Labels: House
Wednesday, September 15, 2010
Happy Adjusted Age Birthday to You....
Today's kind of a crazy anniversary. September 15th-- one year ago-- was my due date for Kean. So today is what his Docs consider to be his 1 year birthday (adjusted age). All I know is I'm not making another birthday cake. One go at a fire truck cake was enough for me in my lifetime. I won't focus on what he can't do YET... I'll just let you know all the fun things he can do so far. You know, with my other children, I always appreciated each cute little milestone or ability they mastered but with Kean, I don't know quite how to put it-- other than to say with every little thing he accomplishes, I rejoice. He works so incredibly hard to do what comes naturally for most other babies. I tell ya, he's living up to that old name he had while he was cooking in my belly: Spartacus. He's quite the warrior.
- He can sit on his own for a few minutes.
- He can push his chest and head up with his arms and look around.
- He can roll and roll and roll-- clear across the room and back and forth.
- He loves to eat (especially vanilla ice cream).
- He has graduated from breast milk (my personal pumping hell has finally come to an end and Byron can no longer say I'm part Holstein) and formula and is adjusting to the milk you buy at the grocery store.
- He gets so excited to see me in the morning that he just hugs and hugs my neck (can I tell you how much I love this?).
- Sometimes when I'm burping him, he pats my back.
- He chatters. Sometimes he jabbers so loudly, the girls get agitated because he actually drowns them out!
I'm telling you, he is the sweetest, most loving, most even tempered, most content, most....... Well, you get the idea. I've said it before, he's pure joy. I remember the father of a Down Syndrome boy telling me (right after I had Kean) that he would be the joy of my life. I had no idea the amount of love awaiting me. At the time, I numbly nodded and tearfully whispered, I know. I know I'll feel that way someday. I just didn't know it would happen in such a short amount of time. I feel very blessed.
Posted by Lonni at 9:53 PM 5 comments
Labels: Kean, Kean milestones
Monday, September 13, 2010
The Greatest Generation
As you all know, Saturday was the 9th anniversary of what is now seared into all of our memories and vocabulary-- simply as 9-eleven. I spent the evening with my mother and brother, Doug at a reunion for civilians who served as P.O.W.'s during WWII. And what a patriotic evening it was.
It was also nine years ago that my mom and I flew (with Holland as a 3 month old) to Great Falls, Montana for one of their reunions. At the time, my mother was knee deep in researching her book. My great grandfather spent nearly five horrific years as a P.O.W. at the hands of the Japanese. While in Montana, I helped my mom interview 85 former prisoners. And coming from a woman who used to tell peoples' stories for a living-- the stories of these men were spellbinding, amazing and inspiring.
Saturday night's reunion was a bit on the bittersweet side... there were only ten of the guys in attendance this time. They are all too rapidly passing on. The guy in the middle (below) doesn't remember much these days. But 9 years ago, while in Montana, we had dinner with him on a couple of occasions (and in the years since). His name is Bill Taylor and he was mentored by my great grandfather. Bill has quite the story to tell. In fact, he wrote a book a few years back-- but honestly, by the time he got it written, I think his mind was starting to fail him. The book does not even come close to capturing his experiences on paper. Anyway, he was one of the very few to sucessfully escape the Japanese. He and a buddy jumped a train as they were being transported from one death camp to another. His friend shattered his ankle and did not end up getting away. But crafty old Bill Taylor somehow made his way through enemy territory and ended up taking refuge with Mao Tse Dong's band of guerrilla warriors. He even has a picture of himself with Mao. Can you imagine?
Posted by Lonni at 9:44 PM 1 comments
Labels: P.O.W.'s
Friday, September 10, 2010
A Learning Machine
Well, Reese's teacher survived the first week of preschool. And so far, so good. Reese seems to love it. My favorite part is that on Wednesday they do "cooking school". This first week they made Rice Krispy treats.
Posted by Lonni at 8:23 PM 2 comments
Labels: Reese school programs, Reese-isms
Tuesday, September 7, 2010
Her Turn
After asking me, oh, only about a gazillion times, the big day finally arrived. Reese started preschool today. She's by far the tiniest in her class-- but boy howdy, does she pack some punch into that little body. This is Miss Amber (my good friend and Reesey's new preschool teacher). I don't know who's more excited... Reese or me. She'll be going three days a week and on Wednesdays-- it's cooking day. They'll be learning to make tortillas, banana bread-- this week, Rice Crispy treats. I think she'll be in heaven.
Posted by Lonni at 3:30 PM 0 comments
Labels: Grandpa Bodily, Reese school programs
Thursday, September 2, 2010
Bibbidy Bobbidy Boo!
In case you're wondering, Fairy Godmothers are real and do exist. Case in point-- my friend, Mary K. Each year, she takes Holland and Greer our for their birthdays-- for a day we've dubbed "Mary K Day". And she spoils them rotten. This year, she took them out together (along with her niece, Savannah). First stop-- a shopping spree at Walmart-- for each of them: sunglasses, a hat, a new necklace, scarves and new shirts for starters. Then it was off to a day at the Western Idaho Fair- for lots of cotton candy, unlimited rides and overall spoilin'! The day is as eagerly anticipated as Christmas morning, I'm telling you! Oh, for every child to have a Mary K in their lives! Not to be completely outdone, our good friend Roger Billingsly (Dodge's dad) came through town yesterday. Roger, who is like a second father to Byron, is retired. He spends a few months each year tooling around Idaho and surrounding parts. And he visits us nearly every year. Last night, he took all of us out for Mexican food (yum, my favorite). So in my book, he's my fairy godmother -- since I didn't have to cook!
Posted by Lonni at 9:48 PM 0 comments