For the first time in my life I'm thrilled to see a year come to an end. There were times I wasn't sure we'd make it. And I know I'm not alone in that sentiment. 2009 has been challenging for most of my friends. So PHEW! It's over. Yes, we're still dealing with an anemic business and mountains of hospital bills and several other stressers-- but I'm optimistic that better times are in store. Last night (at 10 o'clock) we toasted the New Year with grape juice (notice the paper towels-- Reese spilled her glass before we even started-- typical) and set individual goals. I guessed on Kean's goal-- it will be to sit up and crawl.
We had some decent snow (now it's turned to rain) but that allowed Byron to take the girls for a little spin in the yard.
Next year Kean will be big enough to ride in front. Can't wait.
Happy New Years everybody! And thank you to the 114 of you who emailed Happy Birthday wishes to me. I can't believe I'm soooo old. Sometimes I feel it-- but most of the time I don't even feel old enough (or responsible enough) to be a mother, let alone the mother of four rambunctious kiddos. Yikes. The girls made me the most beeyootiful necklace and earrings out of oh, can we say very colorful beads and jingle bells. I was daring and wore the necklace out to dinner with Byron, my brother Doug and Dana and my parents. My poor nephew Derek watched Kean by himself at my house and I jinxed him by telling him Kean is the easiest baby in the world-- never cries and that he would probably sleep the entire 1 1/2 hours we were gone. WRONG! An hour into my big outing, the phone rings and Kean is screaming bloody murder. Guess he had some gas. And within a few minutes, he let 'er rip and settled down. I wonder if Derek will ever babysit for me again!?!?!?
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