Reincarnated As A Mother

Tuesday, June 15, 2010


My, oh my. With school out, my schedule has gone out the window. We've been playing hard every day and now it's payback time. I've been up all night the past two nights. Both Reese and Kean have these awful coughs. So I'm back to doing middle of the night breathing treatments for Kean. I feel, today, like my head is full of wet, soggy sand. Gotta love motherhood.
Over the weekend, we went to the annual Eagle Fun Days Parade-- the best darn little parade in the country.
Besides throwing out candy and trinkets... and horses and clowns and old fashioned cars and... well you get the idea...

The second half of the parade is a "wet parade". Every kid from every corner of the county comes armed to the teeth with squirt guns and water blasters. The pick up behind the girls is lined with plastic and filled with water for quick refills.
The entire town turns into an all out war zone. Huge trucks cruise down the parade route completely dousing everyone in site (babies aren't even safe). Here's our good friend Mike Angus (disguised as an adult) taking on the kids who are waiting to take on a truck.

Reese doesn't quite have the "kill 'em all and let God sort 'em out" mentality yet...
But Mike does! He got about as much as he dished out!
Unfortunately, it's over all too soon. The girls are already plotting for next year.


The Good Life on Less! said...

Oh, I wish I could have gone to the parade again ... it IS the BEST parade!