Reincarnated As A Mother

Wednesday, May 19, 2010

Take A Seat

Hey... he's sitting up again. For a second, anyway.

And we're back.
The girls all got their "summer cuts". Greer's hair was so long, they asked if they could try and use it for Locks of Love (real hair used to make wigs for cancer survivors). If it was not long enough, they were going to send it to Louisiana to be used in containers that are soaking up oil. Pretty crazy stuff).
Every day Reese asks me if its time to go swimming yet. Boy are we ready for su-su-summer. (If you haven't been lucky enough to see High School Musical 9000 times like me-- you won't get that summer reference-- sigh, your loss)!


Marti said...

See! I told you he has potential!

Your girls are so cute that I could eat 'em with a spoon!

Let's see... that'd be
*Reese Pieces Cheesecake,
*Greer-beef bake, and
*Holland-A's Sauce on the side!

Awfully cute pictures. Do these girls have any bad angles?