Reincarnated As A Mother

Tuesday, August 31, 2010

Summer's Out. School's In!

I'm torn. Part of me is thrilled that school has started again. And part of me mourns that summer flew by so quickly. Happily though, the girls were all excited for their first day and really excited about their new teachers. By the way, I had grand plans to get up and fix the girls a first day of school feast. Those plans were foiled when I went to get Kean up and found that he had pooped out of his diaper and rolled all over in his crib in the goop. What a lovely way to start the morning.
Needless to say, the girls had bagels for breakfast.
Here they are walking down Grandpa Bodily's driveway... waiting for the bus with our neighbor Meagan...

and then they're off.

Poor Reesey has another week before pre-school starts. It's considerably quieter around our house now.


Stephanie said...

How'd they like their first day? Did they come home happy??