Reincarnated As A Mother

Tuesday, January 24, 2012


Peanut woke up with a a good ol' cold this morning.
And while that's not so terrible (as long as he doesn't get worse as in hospital worse)
what is driving me CRAY-ZEY
is that he's finally figured out how to blow his nose.
 How wonderful you are probably thinking...
yes, it is a good developmental milestone,
until I tell you that he is constantly showing off this new trick
without a tissue.
He blows... and there it goes....
It's pretty gross.
You can thank me later for posting these pictures instead of
the ones I chose not to take.
P.S.  The "handsome"shirt is one he got for Christmas from G and G Klingler.  We LOVE it since that is our favorite name for him.


Michele Lyn said...

So can relate ;-) Congrats to Kean-now can he please teach Christopher (now 9 yrs if you can believe it) who still can't get that connection down- talk about weird things on the list for the OT and PT- colds are awful around here for him- I think I would even take Kean's method ;-) Ok maybe not ;-)
Love and hugs from The 4 Rose