Reincarnated As A Mother

Monday, April 9, 2012

Dye-namite Eggfest

Of course, you can't have Easter without the yearly tradition of coloring eggs.
 No, we didn't hatch another daughter.  That's our neighbor, Jaimie.
Please notice the festive snowflake tablecloth.  My vinyl Easter one
did not survive last year.
I took the three youngest (including Greer's friend) down to the park
for the Down Syndrome Easter Egg hunt. 
The fire department had one of their big trucks for the kids to climb all over...

 They also had rabbits, baby chicks and ducklings for the children to pet.
Kean, of course, didn't quite get the petting concept.  He went more for the pull the fur off the bunny concept.
And when I put a stop to that and had him just watch the other children pet the animals, he went for some poor, unsuspecting little girl's head of hair (and pulled out a few strands).
 He did much better during the egg hunt portion of the afternoon.
Look way into the distance-- the girls are somewhere in that group.
They had it divided into crawlers, walkers and runners.
Kean was one of a very crowded three for his section.
 It didn't take too terribly long for him to get an egg
 and actually put it into his basket.
 But after doing that three or four times, he found it was much more fun to toss them all out or
throw his basket to the wayside.
 The girls soon came to the rescue and "helped" Kean fill his basket.