Reincarnated As A Mother

Wednesday, March 5, 2014

Surgery Eve

Kean was most uncooperative for therapy today.
Remember last week when he dazzled us by taking seven steps?
Today, he acted like he couldn't take a one!
He'd crumple to the floor every time we tried to get him to use those two feet.
Andrea did have a walker in her car and we did get him
to use that...
 for a pass...
 or two.
 But that was it.
And if Kean exceeds and excels in any area-- it's stubbornness.
 Maybe he's just rebelling because he knows what tomorrow holds.
A surgeon is going in tomorrow to take his testicles that have ascended and suture them into place
(plus a few other little things that have to do with his junk).
I had to take him down to the hospital today
for a bunch of testing on his blood- to make sure
his platelets and counts are high enough for the surgery to proceed.
Thank heavens, Jenn was there to keep him entertained.
To be honest, it is not tomorrow that I am dreading
(even though we have to be there at 5:30 in the morning)...
I'm dreading the night and the next few days of pain.
Thank you to my sweet neighbor Casee who called and said she was
swinging by some fresh eggs
and also brought a big ol' pan of enchiladas for dinner tonight.
I truly am surrounded by great friends!