Reincarnated As A Mother

Wednesday, October 9, 2013

Pretty In Pink

I wanted you to meet Char before she leaves us.  She's been filling in for Kean's regular
Physical Therapist, Andrea who is out on maternity leave.
Kean doesn't know Char as well as his long time therapists... so he hasn't been the most
willing of subjects.  In fact, this morning, I was horrified (and laughing) to see him physically
push Char away from him.  We finally got him to cooperate when we bundled him
up and took him walking to see... yep, you guessed it, the motorcycle.
 Our big excitement around here tonight was Holland's date with her dad.
They went to a church youth activity -- a "P" night, where all the girls
were supposed to bring their Pops.  They were supposed to dress in
pink, purple, polka dots, pony tails, pajamas.......
and eat pizza, popcorn, pumpkin pastries, pop.
Well, you get the idea.
I'll bet money Byron stole the show!!!
(As he left he said... "unleash your inner rock star;  Les Rose would approve)!
By the way, a few of you have asked about Holland's speech.
I thought I'd publish it here.
She and I talked over some ideas on how to make it different...
and she sure did that. 
Grab some popcorn, sit back and imagine you are
in middle school all over again!

        V.P.  Speech of 7th gr.

Hi I’m Holland Barker and I want to be your 7th grade vice president.  I know you all want a yogurt or ice cream machine and so do I… but I want to make promises I can keep. 

   I love Galileo. We have a great school filled with wonderful teachers and amazing kids.

   I want to continue to keep Galileo a safe, smart, and fun place to be.

  Some of you know that my little brother has cancer.

  While this past year has been brutal, it has also been fun. 

I’ve met a lot of families who are struggling with cancer.

I’ve been on both sides of the fence.  I know how much it means to have people help when my brother has been so sick.

And I know how good it feels to help others through service.

 So I have been helping and doing a lot of fundraisers.  One thing that we did was a dance-a-thon with dancing, games, and food.  So I thought we could have one here at Galileo but raise money for families in our community who have kids with cancer.  You don’t know how much 10 dollars is worth to a mom and child who have been in the hospital for a week and can’t leave because of their child and all they can eat is hospital food.

It would be cool to get some gift cards for these families.

 Our school does a lot of services like the foodbank and the closet and other things but I want to take our service to the next level. 

I want Galileo to be known as The School in our community.

Another thing that would be cool is to do a secret student week.  Which would be: we will each be assigned a middle school student and we will get to bring them a treat or do something kind (like decorate a locker) just to brighten someone’s day and the best thing about it is that it will be a secret.  Which means you won’t know who is being nice to you so you have to be nice to every one.

   I want to help make our days at Galileo more memorable and more meaningful.

 If you have any questions or concerns, I want to hear from you I want to represent you; I want to be your voice.  So vote for me, Holland Barker, for your 7th grade vice president.  Thank you.