We sure like to jam pack it in around here.
We started our Saturday morning off throwing a bridal shower for
Nicole. She married my dear friend Elly Moomey's son Mark a few
weeks ago in Utah.
We had Mark surprise Nicole and show up for the gift opening
part of the shower. They are so dang cute together!
Once we finished with the shower, we headed down to Boise State.
Kean is one of the "Honored Children" that students will be dancing for
at the upcoming BSU Dance Marathon to raise money for St. Luke's
Children's Hospital.
We were a few minutes late so ended up getting a private tour
of the football facilities.
This is the team room where the players all watch and study
game footage and meet with the coaches.
Kean certainly made himself at home
in the locker rooms. He found one of the few lockers
that wasn't assigned-- just like he was waiting
for them to put his name on the locker.
Oh, and by the way, the locker room smelled
wonderful-- clean and fresh.
How do they do that?!?!?
The Boise State football complex is quite impressive-
for a school this size, it is one of the best. Definitely, the
nicest in the Mountain West Conference.
The girls got to play in the game room...
Got to try their muscles pushing the training equipment.
And took turns running on the famous blue turf.
Don't ask my why my children insist on being monkeys.
We all had to laugh-- as they were quite proud of themselves
for being able to lift the 45 pound bar that the weights go on.
They particularly loved looking and picking out their favorite
uniforms (and pretending to be players -or models)!
Oh, and we did finally catch up with the rest of the group.
We've gotten to know these brave children and their families
through the hospital and through the Dance Marathon.
Incredibly strong children (and their mama's too).
Oh, and lest we forget, we finished the evening off
with the "Idaho" reception for Mark and Nicole.
Great day. Exhausting but great.
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