Reincarnated As A Mother

Tuesday, June 14, 2011

The Skinny on the Skinny

Don't ask me to explain their outfits.
It's unexplainable.
But get this, I took the two clowns above to the doctor today for their yearly check-ups.
Holland, at age 10, weighs a whopping 64 pounds (25th percentile) and
measures up at 53 1/2 inches (30th percentile).
Now here's where it gets interesting.
Greer is two years younger and is catching up fast-- not in weight but in height.
Here's her stats:
50 pounds (25th percentile)
51 1/2 inches (74th percentile)-- only two inches shorter than her big sis.
Holland was freaked out enough tonight that she's been
drinking whole milk and munching on veggies like crazy.


The Good Life on Less! said...

Nate and Zack are following their lead!

Michele Lyn said...

Robert is almost 11 and Christopher is almost 9 and Christopher weighs the same as Robert and is only 1" shorter ;-) At least it makes buying clothes easier ;-)